An Error Analysis of Using Simple Present Tense in Descriptive Text Written by The Eighth Grade Students of MTs Negeri Kota Sorong
Error analysis, Simple present tenseAbstract
English is a foreign language in Indonesia, so the students in Indonesia are not far from the error when writing in English. This study aimed to find out the types of error based on surface strategy taxonomy and the sources of errors based on the Norrish’s theory those were made by the eighth students of MTs Negeri Kota Sorong. The participants consist of 17 students and an English teacher. The method of this research is qualitative method with descriptive analysis technique, and then the instruments to collect the data were descriptive test assignment and interview. The data analysis used Ellis’s procedure and used percentage. The result showed that the highest percentage of error type that made by the students was omission with 66 errors or 42,85%, and then the lowest error types were addition and misordering with 13 errors or 8,44%. It was because the students did not use article, suffix –s/es, and to be. And then, the highest sources of error that was made by the students were Carelessness with 114 errors or 74,02% and the lowest source of error was first language with 18 errors or 11,68%, it was because the students did not pay attention while writing the text
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