Pengaruh Intelegensi Dan Bakat Pada Prestasi Siswa


  • Friska Putri Purwitasari Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sorong



Intelligence, talent, achievement


This study aims to elaborate on intelligence and talent on student achievement in learning at school. The method used in this study is through literature study and also literature research with matters relating to the issue. The discussion in this study is based on the opinions of experts and also the results of previous research relating to the problem of intelligence and talent on student achievement. Learning is something that absolutely must be done in education. Education is an effort made to improve student human resources by guiding and also providing facilities for the learning process. During the learning process there are learning outcomes obtained by students from the learning process carried out and assessed by the teacher. From the results of learning in schools obtained student achievement which is also called academic achievement. There are many factors that affect the academic achievement of a student, including internal factors, namely the level of intelligence and talent possessed by each student.


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