Konsep Keberbakatan, Anak Berbakat, Dan Pendidikannya Mata Kuliah Psikologi Pendidikan Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah Iain Sorong
Education, Concept, GiftedAbstract
The education of gifted children is part of the integration of education in general, with the specificity of providing maximum opportunities for gifted children to function according to their potential, with the hope that one day the child will also make a maximum contribution to the improvement of life in accordance with the actualization of his potential. Education for gifted children aims to (1) children master conceptual systems in various subjects, (2) children are able to develop skills and strategies that enable them to be more independent, creative, and fulfill their own needs, and (3) children must develop a fun and passion for learning that will lead them to work hard. Gifted children also need programs that can develop their talents and potential.
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