Layanan Konseling pada Siswa Sosiopatik
Layanan Konseling, Sosiopatik, Bimbingan KonselingAbstract
This study aimed to determine the form of sociopathic behavior, service techniques, and student responses to the services provided. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and relevant literature and analyzed to obtain conclusions. The results showed that: 1) The form of students' sociopathic behavior was seen in the discipline; 2) The school provided 16 services to sociopathic students; and 3) Students responded positively and negatively to the services offered. The positive response can be seen from the activeness and enthusiasm of students towards the counseling services and guidance provided by the BK teacher. In contrast, the adverse reaction can be seen from the lack of openness of students in telling the problems they are facing.
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