Membangun Persaudaraan Beda Agama

Kontribusi Tokoh Agama dan Elit Desa Di Karave Mamuju Utara


  • muh ilham usman STAIN Majene






Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian tentang peran imam kampung, ustaz, tokoh agama dan tokoh desa dalam membangun kedamaian, keharmonisan dan persaudaraan beda agama di Karave. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk melihat persaudaraan beda agama yang erat di desa tersebut. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kedamaian, keharmonisan dan persaudaraan beda agama terjalin erat disebabkan peran tokoh agama yang bekerja sama dengan tokoh kampung/desa sebagai juru damai jika terjadi perselisihan di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Tokoh agama dan desa juga berperan sebagai konsolidator dalam merawat desa. Serta Tokoh agama dan desa juga berperan sebagai cultural broker.


Kata Kunci: Damai; Harmoni; Persaudaraan; Multi-agama



This paper presents the results of research on the role of village priests, ustaz, religious leaders and village leaders in building peace, harmony and brotherhood of different religions in Karave. This study uses a qualitative method to see the close interfaith brotherhood in the village. The results of the study found that peace, harmony and brotherhood of different religions were closely intertwined due to the role of religious leaders who cooperated with village/village leaders as peacemakers in the event of a dispute in the community. Religious and village leaders also act as consolidators in caring for the village. And religious and village leaders also act as cultural brokers.

Keywords: Peace, Harmony, Brotherhood, Multi-religion


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How to Cite

usman, muh ilham. (2022). Membangun Persaudaraan Beda Agama: Kontribusi Tokoh Agama dan Elit Desa Di Karave Mamuju Utara. Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam, 14(2), 316–339.